The Thousand Rubies Galaxy (千のルビー銀河) Messier 83I photograph this galaxy every year, and I learned that it has the name ``A Thousand Ruby'', so this time I took a picture of it with that image in mind.Neither Signal nor Edit specifically boosted H ...
カテゴリ:DeepSpaceObject > Southern Hemisphere.
(2000mm) The Omega Centauri Cluster (オメガ・ケンタウリ星団) NGC5139
The Omega Centauri Cluster (オメガ・ケンタウリ星団) NGC5139One of last year's challenges was ``I want to be able to see the stars of the cluster over a wider area.''I added Signal to solve this problem.When the stars are brought out this far, this globula ...
(1340mm) The Tweezers Galaxy (ピンセット銀河) NGC4945
The Tweezers Galaxy (ピンセット銀河) NGC4945This photo doesn't look like tweezers, but if the exposure is weaker, it looks like a black line runs to the southwest. Is that where the name comes from? It looked like sewing scissors (thread cutting scissor ...
(1340mm) The Centaurus A Galaxy (ケンタウルス座A銀河) NGC5128
The Centaurus A Galaxy (ケンタウルス座A銀河) NGC5128The 50% perfect circle core part from the center is very bright and can be photographed fairly well with a 2 hour exposure, butThe Halo part from that point on was extremely light, and I ended up adding ...
(1340mm) The Hydra Galaxy Cluster (うみへび座の銀河クラスタ) NGC 3312
The Hydra Galaxy Cluster (うみへび座の銀河クラスタ) NGC 3312My friend Fernando who lives in Rio told me about a galaxy cluster in the southern sky.The contrast between the galaxy and the 5th magnitude star is beautiful and the target is typical of the sou ...
(1340mm) The Coldwell 79 Star Cluster (C 79 球状星団) Coldwell 79,NGC 3201
The Caldwell 79 Star Cluster (C 79 球状星団) Caldwell 79,NGC 3201A globular cluster in the southern sky. The density of stars in the core is low, which makes it a globular cluster with beautiful stars.The stars around the globular cluster are also brightl ...
(1340mm) The Great Barred Spiral Galaxy L-RGB Ver (大バード・スパイラル・銀河) NGC1365
The Great Barred Spiral Galaxy L-RGB Ver (大バード・スパイラル・銀河) NGC1365I photographed the galaxy once a few years ago, but that time I was unable to take an exposure for even an hour because the roof of my neighbor's house obstructed it.Still, the c ...
(1340mm) The Haley’s Coronet Galaxy (ハレーの宝冠) NGC 1532,1531
The Haley’s Coronet Galaxy (ハレーの宝冠) NGC 1532,1531When I looked back at last season's same target photo , there were a lot of things I wasn't satisfied with, so I tried again. I tried to use neutral processing instead of forcing the local stretch ...
(1340mm) The Eye Of God Galaxy (エリダヌス座の子持ち銀河) NGC 1232, ESO 547-16)
The Eye Of God Galaxy (エリダヌス座の子持ち銀河) NGC 1232, ESO 547-16)In Stellarium, the name is Eye Of God Galaxy, but when I searched Google, this galaxy did not come up with that name. I guess it's a name only in Stellarium.Due to the lack of interstel ...
(1340mm) The Cartwheel Galaxy (カートホイール銀河) PGC2248
The Cartwheel Galaxy (カートホイール銀河) PGC2248I tried my dream Target, but the resolution wasn't good enough.I wonder if I'll be able to buy a telescope that can take detailed pictures of this before I die?夢のTargetをTryしたが全然解像度が足りなかった ...
(1340mm) The Robin’s Egg Planetary Nebula (ロビンの卵) NGC1360
The Robin’s Egg Planetary Nebula (ロビンの卵) NGC1360Target shot with Duo Band Filter for the first time 3 years ago.This time I tried inserting Ha into LRGB, but the Ha area was not beautiful at all.There is a more red area in the center, but it is los ...
(1340mm) The Fornax A, B Galaxy (ろ座の銀河 A,B) NGC1316,1317
The Fornax A, B Galaxy (ろ座の銀河 A,B) NGC1316,1317This is also a galaxy that I have been dying to photograph for some time, but with the previous Backyard, the pollution in this direction was so severe that I could only photograph the center.I thought t ...
(1340mm) The Autumn Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (秋の南の大回転花火銀河) NGC300
The Autumn Southern Pinwheel Galaxy (秋の南の大回転花火銀河) NGC300Southern Pinwheel Galaxy has NGC300, which will be visible from summer to fall, and M83/NGC5236, which will be visible from winter to spring.I had photographed the M83 before, but I had so ...
(The 5th collaboration with Christian Gow@Brisbane) The Statue Of Liberty Nebula (自由の女神星雲) NGC3576
The Statue Of Liberty Nebula (自由の女神星雲) NGC3576The fifth collaboration with Christian Gow@BrisbaneThe second gift of Study Target from Christian is the Statue of Liberty.I think it's 9 hours of data for each 3 hours of SHO.As expected, the details ...
(The 4th collaboration with Christian Gow@Brisbane) Center Of Eta-Carina Nebula (Eta-Carina星雲の中心部) NGC3372
Center Of Eta-Carina Nebula (Eta-Carina星雲の中心部) NGC3372The fourth collaboration with Christian Gow@BrisbaneThe other day, my best friend from Brisbane, Christian Gow, said, "Try using this for studying at Cloudy night."He sent me the Stack data of 2 ...