The Vela Supernova Remnant (GUM 16) WMBNC 202Panels MosaicWMBNC 20 : Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 20The last item in this WInter Milky Way Big Nebula Catalog is a supernova remnant in Vela.To be honest, the GUM catalog numbers aroun ...
カテゴリ: DeepSpaceObject
(360mm) RCW 38,39,40 (RCW 38,39,40) WMBNC 19
RCW 38,39,40 (RCW 38,39,40) WMBNC 19WMBNC 19: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 19The large nebula at the top of the photo is the main target, RCW 38. However, since I had enough space in the angle of view, I also included RCW 39 and 40 in ...
(360mm) The RCW35 Nebula and Pencil Nebula (RCW35,RCW36,RCW37) WMBNC 18
The RCW35 Nebula and Pencil Nebula (RCW35,RCW36,RCW37) WMBNC 18WMBNC 18: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 18All nebulae except RCW35 in the upper right can be captured in the field of view with RC10 + MFT, but RCW35 cannot be captured an ...
(360mm) RCW 33 Nebula (RCW 33) WMBNC 17
RCW 33 Nebula (RCW 33) WMBNC 17WMBNC 17: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 17The southernmost nebula of three consecutive RCWs.A relatively hazy nebula.WMBNC 17: 冬の天の川の中にある大きな星雲のカタログ173連続するRCWの一番南の星雲。比較的 ...
(360mm) RCW 32 Nebula (RCW 32) WMBNC 16
RCW 32 Nebula (RCW 32) WMBNC 16WMBNC 16: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 16RCW32 is located just south of RCW27. It's small, but it doesn't fit in the RC10 + MFT, so I've included it in this catalog.The open cluster to the south at the bo ...
(360mm) RCW 27 Nebula (RCW 27) WMBNC 15
RCW 27 Nebula (RCW 27) WMBNC 15WMBNC 15: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 15RCW27 is the northernmost object of three RCW nebulae lined up next to each other to the northwest of the famous Pencil Nebula.It is surrounded by the surrounding ...
(360mm) RCW 19,20 Nebula (RCW 19,20) WMBNC 14
RCW 19,20 Nebula (RCW 19,20) WMBNC 14WMBNC 14: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 14This catalog has also entered the deep southern sky.Speaking of the southern sky, RCW is famous for its counterpart to the northern SH2 catalog.This catalog ...
(360mm) The Skull and Crossbones Nebula (NGC2467,Sh2-311,RCW16) WMBNC 13
The Skull and Crossbones Nebula (NGC2467,Sh2-311,RCW16) WMBNC 13WMBNC 13: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 13I took this photo from my backyard in East Pattaya three years ago, and I remember it was mostly Ha Signal, with only a 30-minute ...
(360mm) The Dolphin Nebula (Sh2-308) WMBNC 12
The Dolphin Nebula (Sh2-308) WMBNC 12WMBNC 12: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 12I had planned to collect about 4 hours of Signals, but I made a rough edit in just under 2 hours.I was able to produce a fair amount of the Ha I had in mind, ...
(360mm) The Seagull Nebula (Sh2-292mRCW1,RCW1a,RCW2,RCW4) WMBNC 11
The Seagull Nebula (Sh2-292mRCW1,RCW1a,RCW2,RCW4) WMBNC 11WMBNC 11: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 11When I was shooting in Pattaya, I struggled to get blue even when shooting in mono, so I was worried whether I would be able to get blue ...
(360mm) The Angel Nebula (NGC2170,vdB70) WMBNC 10
The Angel Nebula (NGC2170,vdB70) WMBNC 10WMBNC 10: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 10I remember photographing this nebula before with a HyperStar C11, but I also remember having trouble with the HSC11 at F/1.9, so I've avoided it since ...
(360mm) The Boogie Man Nebula And Open Star Cluster In Barnards Loop (LDN1622,NGC2112) WMBNC 09
The Boogie Man Nebula And Open Star Cluster In Barnards Loop (LDN1622,NGC2112) WMBNC 09WMBNC 09: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 09The focal length of 380mm was too wide to capture this nebula, so I also included the open cluster in Bar ...
(360mm) The Rosette Nebula (NGC2244,Sh2-275) WMBNC 08
The Rosette Nebula (NGC2244,Sh2-275) WMBNC 08WMBNC 08: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 08I adjusted the background using PixInsight's new Multiscale Gradient Corretion (MGC) feature, which also uses MARS data, but the center looks a bit d ...
(360mm) The Dreyer's Nebula Complex (LBN903,IC447,IC446,NGC2245,NGC2247) WMBNC 07.
The Dreyer's Nebula Complex (LBN903,IC447,IC446,NGC2245,NGC2247) WMBNC 07.WMBNC 07: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 07I took this photo last night in a hurry to collect broadband signals before the moon goes out.I think there are about tw ...
(360mm) The Christmas Tree Cluster & The Hubble's Variable Nebula (NGC2264,2261) WMBNC 06
The Christmas Tree Cluster & The Hubble's Variable Nebula (NGC2264,2261) WMBNC 06WMBNC 06: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 06Equalization a little stronger.Maybe there's not enough blue signal.WMBNC 06: 冬の天の川の中にある大きな星雲のカ ...