
This site is for Astronomy Studies in the Tropics. I'm based in East Pattaya, Thailand, 12.934N, 100.918E, between the sun's northern limit and the Equator. The big advantage of this location is that you can observe both northern and some southern stars at the same time. And it's never cold... lol. I hope to introduce you to the unique celestial opportunities available from this area. Enjoy your observations!! Taro Seki

カテゴリ:DeepSpaceObject > WMBNC

The Lower's Nebula (Sh2-261) WMBNC 05WMBNC 05: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 05I took this photo because it met the conditions in the catalog, but perhaps the two kite legs are too faint to see.I think this Target is more appealing when ...

The Monkey Head Nebula (NGC2174) WMBNC 04WMBNC 04: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 04This is also a photo I haven't taken in a while.In this photo, the top is north, but even if the top is south, it still looks like a monkey's face. I won ...

The Jellyfish Nebula (SH2-248) WMBNC 03WMBNC 03: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 03The moment I was about to start shooting RGB, the Mount's AC/DC power converter blew away.At the time, team member Eak was making adjustments at Observator ...

The Flaming Star Nebula (SH2-229) WMBNC 02WMBNC 02: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 02Go straight to Target with HOO.WMBNC 02: 冬の天の川の中にある大きな星雲のカタログ02ストレートにTargetはHOOで。Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle ...

The Tadpoles (Sh2-238,IC410) WMBNC 01As one of my projects this term, I am planning to create a catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way.I will start in the north from the Tadpoles Nebula to 52-53 degrees south latitude, in the winter Milky Way ea ...
