The Hockey Stick Galaxy and Fishhook Galaxy (ホッケー・スティック銀河と釣り針銀河) NGC 4656,NGC 4657
This galaxy is often taken with the Whale Galaxy (NGC 4631) just northwest, but due to the large difference in brightness, it was taken separately this season. The ASI178MC (None Cool) I bought two years ago didn't come into play, so I decided to use it because it's light for the HS C6.
Although it is a small size CMOS sensor of 1/2 inch, the ADC has a wide color space of 14 bits, and the resolution is 6 megapixels, so I thought it could be used with DSO.
42 Frames of Sub with 1 minute exposure are stacked on Live Stack.
Even if the Frame was stuck during shooting, it didn't look very good, so I decided to go to the trash can, but since this day the bad weather has exhausted my photos, so I tried Post-Process and found that it was in the south. The tail is thin, but the northern head clearly shows the interacting small galaxy NGC4657, so I decided to post it.
Live Stack 42 minutes total.
Place: Backyard East Pattaya (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 65.0%)
Date:22nd / Apr / 2021 4:42(UTC+7) Start
Celestron Nexstar 6SE + Hyperstar C6 V4(150mm F/2.0 FL/300)mm
L-Pro 42 SubsX60sec 42minutes
Total 42 minutes
Filter: Optolong L-Pro
Mount :Celestron AVX
Guide: SVBony 30mm F/4, ZWO ASI120MC-S
Controler: ASIAIR-Pro
Pre-Processing ASIAIR-Pro
Post-Processing PI,PS
Shot By Taro Seki