The UFO Galaxy (UFO 銀河)NGC2683

Because it looks like a UFO, so nicknamed the UFO galaxy.
it is a galaxy in Lynx,
It looks like I made the wrong choice of filter this time.
This galaxy seems to have very little hydrogen.
There was almost no H-Alpha in hydrogen, which always comes out during post processing , and a large amount of oxygen and sulfur blue was contained.
It is said that this galaxy is 410 km / sec away from the earth, so is it possible that the center appears red because of the redshift?

Distance: 28 million light years
Brightness: 10.6 grade
Visual diameter: 9.3 arc sec x 2.2 arc sec (About 30% of the moon, 5% of the Andromeda Galaxy)

UFOの形に見えることから、UFO銀河の愛称で呼ばれているヤマネコ座 にある銀河である。

明るさ: 10.6等級
視直径:9.3アーク分 × 2.2アーク分(長い方で、月の約1/3、アンドロメダ銀河の1/20の大きさ)

Place:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 10.1%)
Date:2020/Jan/28 1:23
Telescope: Celestron Evo 8" (200mm F/10 Reduced F/6.3)
ISO 3200
Expose:80 Frames X 30 Sec Total 40 Minutes.
Mount:Celestron AVX (No guide)
Camera: SONY A7S2 (Mod,FF)
filter: Optlong L-eNhance

Shot By Taro Seki
