The Jellyfish Nebula (SH2-248) WMBNC 03

WMBNC 03: Catalog of large nebulae in the winter Milky Way 03
The moment I was about to start shooting RGB, the Mount's AC/DC power converter blew away.
At the time, team member Eak was making adjustments at Observatory, so I asked him to take a look and he said it smelled burnt.
He said he had a spare AC/DC power converter, so I borrowed it and replaced it. I was using the original AC/DC that came with the CEM70G, but it had a current capacity of 3A. It was clearly not enough to use it with the Mount and the original cable management. I purchased a new 5A one. I plan to replace it next time.
So this time, it's a HOO work without RGB.Not good stars.

WMBNC 03: 冬の天の川の中にある大きな星雲のカタログ03

Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle Class 3, Moon Phase 0.%)
Shot1 Date:30th / Dec / 2024 20:12 (UTC+7)

William Optics  Z61 WIth JSSS  (61mm F/5.9  f/360mm)
Filter: Optolong L-Ultimate
L-Ult: 36X 600Secs Total 360 minutes

Total 6 Hours 

Palette: Target HOO
              Star HOO          
Gain: 2600, Offset 60
CCD: QHY294C Pro 11Mega Mode BIN1
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
Guide: OAG Z61 61mm F/5.9, QHY290C.
Controler: NINA Dither, PHD2
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None (North-Right)
Post-Processing PI,PS 
Shot By Taro Seki
