The Witch Head Nebula (NGC1909)

I took this picture for the first time in several years.

I think that adjusting the contrast between the pale witch's profile and the interstellar clouds of Ha in the background is an incredibly difficult target (for me...)

Since I shot with OSC, the NarrowBand is a Frame of Ha+Oiii, and at first I was planning to extract only Ha and put it in the background, but when I tried extracting Oiii as well, I found that there was a lot of Oiii in the witch's face, so I blended Oiii into RGB, and it turned a pale blue-green, which I think makes it look more witch-like.


Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle Class 3, Moon Phase 2%)
Shot1 Date:29th / Dec / 2024 20:43 (UTC+7)

William Optics  Z61 WIth JSSS  (61mm F/5.9  f/360mm)
Filter: Optolong L-Ultimate, Baader SemiAPO
L-Ult: 12X 600Secs Total 120 minutes
SmiAPO: 48X 300Secs Total 240 minutes

Total 6 Hours

Palette: Target HOORGB
              Star RGB
Gain: 2600 , Offset 60
CCD: QHY294C Pro 11Mega Mode BIN1
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
Guide: OAG Z61 61mm F/5.9, QHY290C.
Controler: NINA Dither, PHD2
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None 
Post-Processing PI,PS  (North-Bottom)
Shot By Taro Seki
