Test Shot The Northern Summer Milkiyway  (Around Deneb)

Test for 
O Fuji X-A7 (Stock)
O Optolong :L-QuadEnhace Filter
O Samyang MF 135mm F/2.0 (Also first shot)

I couldn't test the toy I got for star photography from Back Street because it was the middle of the rainy season, but I could see the Summer Triangle through the gaps in the clouds for about an hour from late last night, so I quickly set up the gear on the back road. I had to do some rough alignment, but I thought the 135mm would work, so I started taking pictures.

The checkpoint for the Fuji X-A7 was how much red it could pick up in Stock, but it seems to have picked up enough in the starry sky photos. It's been a while since I last shot, so I forgot to tilt the camera 90 degrees, and the angle of view was strange.

The L-QuadEnhace Filter is also treated as a broadband filter, but it also works well as a narrowband filter. It's a shame about the halo of the bright stars.

I've been thinking about buying the Samyang MF 135mm for four years, but I always ended up buying something else just before pressing the purchase button. As it is a popular item, there are almost no new stocks in Thailand, and even used ones are priced higher than the list price, which was a problem, but I found a new one for sale in Japan at a very low price, so I asked a friend in Japan to buy it for me, and another friend who happened to be in Japan on a business trip carried it for me. I am very grateful.
So this lens is also my First Shot. I am satisfied with the results, which are almost the same as I expected, but I am concerned about the coma aberration only in the upper left. However, there may be a problem with the parameter settings of the stack.

I started shooting without checking anything, so I regret that the stars were overexposed and turned white.

The conclusion of this test is that although the images are quite grainy because it was a short shoot of 30 minutes, I feel that this set will be able to shoot in the back streets of Bortle 7.
I had no idea there was such a dark band south of the Cygnus wall. The shape of the dark band around the Gulf of Mexico looks like the Seagull Nebula has been completely removed.

Test for 
O Fuji X-A7
O Optolong :L-QuadEnhace Filter
O Samyang MF 135mm F/2.0 (Also first shot)

Back Street からの星撮りのために手に入れたおもちゃの星の撮影のテストが雨季のどん真ん中でできなかったが、昨晩深夜から1時間ほど雲の隙間から夏の大三角形が見えたので急いで裏の道にGearをセットした。曲軸合わせも適当に済ませるしかなかったが135mmなら何とかなるかと思いシャッタを切り始めた。

Fuji X-A7のチェックポイントはStockで赤がどれだけ拾えるかであったが、星野写真では十分に拾ってる感じがする。久しぶりの撮影でカメラを90度傾けるのを忘れてしまい、変な画角になってしまった。

L-QuadEnhace FilterもBroadBand扱いだが、これもNarrow Bandとしてもいい仕事をしている。明るい星のHaloが残念であるが。

Samyang MF 135mmは4年前から買おう買おうと思っていたが、購入ボタンを押す直前でいつも別の物を購入してしまっていた。人気商品だけありタイにはほぼ新品在庫がなく中古でもリストプライより高額な値段が付いていて困っていたが、何と日本で新品が激安で売っていて、日本の友人に頼んで購入していただき、ちょうど日本へ出張へ行った別の友人にハンドキャリーしていただいた。大変感謝いたします。
ということでこのレンズはFirst Shotでもある。予想していたのとほぼ同じ結果で満足しているが、左上にだけあるコマ収差が気になる。ただStackのパラメターの設定に問題もあるかもしれない。


今回のテストの結論としては、30分という短時間の撮影なのでかなりザラザラした画像であるが、このセットでBortle 7の裏道での撮影はできそうな気がする。
Cygnas wallの南にこんな暗黒帯があるとは知らなかった。メキシコ湾を頭にした周辺の暗黒帯の形は、まるでカモメ星雲がすっぽり抜け出した形だな。

Place: Astropical@Back Street East Pattaya  (Bortle Class 7, Moon Phase 3.3%)
Shot Date:1st / Sep / 2024 01:42 (UTC+7)
Samyang MF 135mm F/2,0 (FStop Open  F/2.0)
Filter: Optlong L-QuadEnhace Filter
OSC  60X30Secs Total 30minutes

Total 30 Minutes

Palette: Target  RGB
              Star RGB
ISO: 1600
Camera: Fuji X-A7(Stock)
Mount: Sky Watcher Star Adventurer V1
De-Rotator : None
Guide: None.
Controler: None
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None 
Post-Processing PI,PS
Shot By Taro Seki Astropical.uk
