The Great Sagittarius Cluster (射手座の大球状星団) Messier 22
Looking at the All Sky Camera, the sky above the observatory had cleared up near sunset. All the CSky members were excited.
Looking at the movement of the clouds over the satellite, it looked like we'd be able to shoot for about an hour after sunset. I hadn't seen the stars for two whole months so I was 200% stressed. I prepared to shoot for even an hour. In the end I was only able to shoot for 30 minutes.
Anyway, I wanted to see stars filling up the screen, so I targeted M22, a globular cluster in the Milky Way.
I emphasized the entire star, so it looked more like a dense part of the starry sky than a globular cluster, but I was happy because I'd achieved my goal of filling up the screen with stars.
The stars are green, probably due to the thin clouds.
Looking at the movement of the clouds over the satellite, it looked like we'd be able to shoot for about an hour after sunset. I hadn't seen the stars for two whole months so I was 200% stressed. I prepared to shoot for even an hour. In the end I was only able to shoot for 30 minutes.
Anyway, I wanted to see stars filling up the screen, so I targeted M22, a globular cluster in the Milky Way.
I emphasized the entire star, so it looked more like a dense part of the starry sky than a globular cluster, but I was happy because I'd achieved my goal of filling up the screen with stars.
The stars are green, probably due to the thin clouds.
All Sky Cameraを見ると日没近くから観測所の空が晴れていた。CSkyのメンバーもみんなソワソワしていた。
Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle Class 3, Moon Phase 0%)
Shot Date:3th / Aug / 2024 20:00 (UTC+7)
TS TSRC10T Carbon Truss Prime Focus (250mm F/8 f/2000mm)Filter: Antlia V-series L filter,SVbony RGB set
L 30X30Secs Total 15minutes
R: 10X 30Secs Total 5minutes
G: 10X 30Secs Total 5minutes
B: 10X 30Secs Total 5minutes
Total 30 Minutes
Star L-RGB
Gain: 150 , Offset 5CCD: Player One Artemis-M Pro Bin2
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
De-Rotator : Wanderer Mini V2 (0 Deg)
Guide: SVBony 60mm F/4, QHY290C.
Controler: NINA Dither, PHD2
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None
Post-Processing PI,PS
Shot By Taro Seki