(Bad Signal) The Whirlpool Galaxy  (子持ち銀河) Messier 51、NGC5194,5195

This year, I wanted to emphasize the Hii area more, so I edited the base color to the currently trendy Blue.
When I changed the script that puts Ha on RGB to a new one, Ha came out nicely.
This time, I wanted to express the "tsuno" protruding toward the northwest and the faint dust on the east side, but since I mixed it with B-CLASS 6, it didn't work at all.
It seems like we have to increase the number of Signals in the current environment.
Next time, there is a red mass to the northeast of this pale dust and child galaxy, so I would like to hunt that as well.
今回は北西に向けて飛び出ている”つの”と東側にある淡いDustも表現して見たかったが、B-CLASS 6と混ぜた為に全然ダメであった。

Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle Class 3, Moon Phase 23.5%)
Shot Date:13th / Apr / 2024 0:3 (UTC+7)
Old Data: 2022,2023
TS TSRC10T Carbon Truss Prime Focus (250mm F/8 f/2000mm)
Filter: Antlia V-series L filter , Optolon Ha 3nm filter,SVbony RGB set
L  30X180Secs Total 90minutes
R: 10X 180Secs Total 30minutes
G: 10X 180Secs Total 30minutes
B: 10X 180Secs Total 30minutes
Ha 10X 300Secs Total 50minutes
Total 3 hour 50 minutes

Old Data (ASI294-M Pro,Optolong 3nm,7nm Ha,SVBony L-RGB,)
L   240minutes
R: 72minutes
G: 72minutes
B: 72minutes
Ha 87minutes

Grand Total 12 hours 50 Minutes

Palette: Target  L-HaRGB
              Star RGB
Gain: 150 , Offset 5
CCD: Player One Artemis-M Pro Bin2
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
De-Rotator : Wanderer Mini V2 (0 Deg)
Guide: SVBony 60mm F/4, QHY290C.
Controler: NINA Dither, PHD2
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None,No Flat
Post-Processing PI,PS
Shot By Taro Seki Astropical.uk

