The Caldwell 79 Star Cluster (C 79 球状星団) Caldwell 79,NGC 3201

A globular cluster in the southern sky. The density of stars in the core is low, which makes it a globular cluster with beautiful stars.
The stars around the globular cluster are also brightly colored and look like the southern sky.


Place: Astropical@CSky Observatory (Bortle Class 3, Moon Phase 57%)
Shot Date17th / Feb / 2024 0:00 (UTC+7)
TS TSRC10T Carbon Truss + Reducer x 0.67 (250mm F/5.3 f/1340mm)
Filter: Antlia V-series L, SVbony RGB set
L: 40X 60Secs Total 40minute
R: 40X 60Secs Total 40minute
G: 40X 60Secs Total 40minute
B: 40X 60Secs Total 40minute
Total 2 hours 40 minutes

Palette: Target  L-RGB
              Star  L-RGB
Gain: 150 Offset 10
CCD: Player One Altemis-M Pro(IMX492) Bin2
Mount :iOptron CEM70G
De-Rotator : Wanderer Mini V2 (0 Deg)
Guide: iOptron iGuide in CEN70G, No Dec guide.
Controler: NINA Dither, PHD2
Pre-Processing APP Drizzle None
Post-Processing PI,PS
Shot By Taro Seki
