
This site is for Astronomy Studies in the Tropics. I'm based in East Pattaya, Thailand, 12.934N, 100.918E, between the sun's northern limit and the Equator. The big advantage of this location is that you can observe both northern and some southern stars at the same time. And it's never cold... lol. I hope to introduce you to the unique celestial opportunities available from this area. Enjoy your observations!! Taro Seki

This site is for Astronomy Studies in the Tropics.
I'm based in East Pattaya, Thailand, 12.934N, 100.918E, between the sun's northern limit and the Equator. The big advantage of this location is that you can observe both northern and some southern stars at the same time. And it's never cold... lol.
I hope to introduce you to the unique celestial opportunities available from this area.
Enjoy your observations!!

Taro Seki

The Eta Carinae Nebula(エータ・カリーナ星雲) NGC3372TEST SHOT Very beautiful southern nebula. Not enough expose to show detail. Will try again. ここタイからは南の地平線ギリギリに見えるEta Carina星雲。 地平線の近くは大気が厚いのでその分かなり多くの露出を ...

IC2169IC2169 in MONOCEROS.It is a nebula with a beautiful blue glow.一角獣座にあるIC2169。ブルーの輝きが美しい星雲であるPlace:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 81.4%) Date:6th/Jan/2020 0:33 Telescope: William Optics GT 102 (102mm ...

The Pleiades (SUBARU,Messier 45) An open cluster in Taurus..Very famous cluster. No need say anything.!!!  おうし座にあるあまりにも有名な散開星団 スバル。 説明の必要はなし。Place:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 73.9%) Date:6th ...

Winter Messier Cluster series No4. Messier 48 An open cluster in Hydra. M48 is very large cluster. it's size as same as full moon 海へび座にある有名な大散開星団。 その大きさは満月ほどもある。Place:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase ...

Winter Messier Cluster series No3. Praesepe Cluster (Messier 44) An open cluster in Cnncer. Praesepe is very bright cluster. So we can see nacked eye. かに座にある有名なプレセペ大散開星団。 肉眼でも観測可能である。Place:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bo ...

Winter Messier Cluster series No2. Messier67 An open cluster in Cancer. かに座にある散開星雲。Place:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 72.9%) Date:5th/Jan/2020 02:49 Telescope: William Optics GT 102 (102mm F/6.9)Reducer/Flattener F ...

The Jelly Fish NebulaNo need to say anything.Just it!!!The Jelly Fish NebulaPlace:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 50.4%) Date:4th/Jan/2020 1:07 Telescope: William Optics GT 102 (102mm F/6.9)Reducer/Flattener F0.8 ISO 3200 Expose ...

First light year 2020Happy new yearThe Rosette NebulaPlace:Backyard East Pattaya Thailand (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 42.6%) Date:3rd/Jan/2020 1:22 Telescope: William Optics GT 102 (102mm F/6.9)Reducer/Flattener F0.8 ISO 3200 Expose:70 Frames X 50 Sec Tot ...
