The Needle Galaxy (紡錘銀河) NGC4565 Very thin and long galaxy. 43,000,000Light year from our earth. The Needle Galaxy Place: Backyard East Pattaya (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 1.0%) Date:25th/Mar/2020 01:33 Celestron EVO8" 55SubsX30Sec Total 27.5Minutes C ...
(480mm)The Omega Centauri(ω星団)NGC 5319
The Omega Centauri(ω星団)NGC 5319 Cleasr Sky for the first time in two weeks. The largest globular cluster visible from our Earth. This cluster of 10 million stars is located in the southern hemisphere and is hard to see from Japan, Europe and North Ame ...
(85mm) The Orion Belt and Barnard's Loop Wide Field
The Orion Belt and Barnard's Loop Wide FieldThanks to support me Gordon Swyer,Elaine Swyer,David E Scott,Paul Swyer, Susan Swyer. Got Barnard's Loop at least. 2 airplane lines center of pics North-South. Place: Kanchana Buri City Area(Bortle Class 4, Moon ...
Luna (Waxing Gibbous Age 12.4 days)
Luna (Waxing Gibbous Age 12.4 days) Normally I don't shot Luna and Planet. BCS those are able to be watched by eyes. But my friend request 2 times. So tonight I capture Luna. Take 120 shots. And this is best shot for me. Luna Place Backyard East Pattaya ( ...
(Test) EOS 6D Stock first light test shot
First Test for EOS 6D (Stock) Before modify, I wanted to check this camera's stock performance. This for only test , So expose time is very short , only 25% of right light time. It is not bad result. Follow pics are all low light. So can not see detail by ...
(250mm)The Eta Carinae Nebula (エータ・カリーナ星雲) NGC3372
The Eta Carinae Nebula Object Shot of Eta Carinae Nebula, one of the few from Thailand at 12 ° 56'N As far as I can tell, this is the second (second person) photograph of this nebula taken from Thailand. Like Betelgeuse, a giant star nearing a supernova ...
(85mm) The Eta Carinae Region Wide field (エータ・カリーナ周辺)
The Eta Carinae RegionThe most famous Southern Hemisphere nebula and its surroundingsStay in Milkeyway cross of Summer and Winter. The Eta Carinae Region(Follow list is include in this pic) Eta Carinae nebula Wishing well cluster Key hole ne ...
(2000mm) The Tiger's Eye Galaxy(虎の目銀河)NGC 2841
The Tiger's Eye Galaxy(虎の目銀河)NGC 2841 It is not a galaxy of interest to astronomical photographers, but it is a galaxy in Ursa Major that comes up early in the spring galactic season. I photographed about two galaxies in the spring, and it seems ...
(1200mm) The UFO Galaxy (UFO 銀河)NGC2683
The UFO Galaxy (UFO 銀河)NGC2683 Because it looks like a UFO, so nicknamed the UFO galaxy. it is a galaxy in Lynx, It looks like I made the wrong choice of filter this time. This galaxy seems to have very little hydrogen. There was almost no H-Alpha in ...
(480mm) The Sirius (シリウス)
The Sirius Brightest star in the night sky. When I watch this star, I can get power. I shot this pic with my English astro mate Andy Joyce's Spike Star System. Thank you Andy my old mate. Also First Light Canon 600D. Thank you Hiroshi San. 全天で一番明る ...