
This site is for Astronomy Studies in the Tropics. I'm based in East Pattaya, Thailand, 12.934N, 100.918E, between the sun's northern limit and the Equator. The big advantage of this location is that you can observe both northern and some southern stars at the same time. And it's never cold... lol. I hope to introduce you to the unique celestial opportunities available from this area. Enjoy your observations!! Taro Seki

This site is for Astronomy Studies in the Tropics.
I'm based in East Pattaya, Thailand, 12.934N, 100.918E, between the sun's northern limit and the Equator. The big advantage of this location is that you can observe both northern and some southern stars at the same time. And it's never cold... lol.
I hope to introduce you to the unique celestial opportunities available from this area.
Enjoy your observations!!

Taro Seki

<Reprocess> The Great Andromeda Galaxy (M31,M32,M110) Reprocessing of the Andmeda Galaxy, taken in Kanchanaburi in October 2019. Andromeda is the most distant object visible to the naked eye, along with the Triangular Galaxy. 2019年の10月にカンチャナブリ ...

The Hercules Globular Cluster(ヘラクレス座球状星団) Messier13 All new. Retake this Great Globular Cluster. The second globular cluster seen from our earth. STC Clip FIter is not so bad. 撮影から全てやり直した、この地球から2番目の大きさにみられる球状星 ...

Tha Black Eye Galaxy (黒目銀河、Sleeping Beuty) Messier 64 Too short light. Will try again. 隣の家の屋根にかぶってしまい、予定の1/3の露出時間。 光が足りない。 また再挑戦!! Place: Backyard East Pattaya (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 7.0%) Date:20th/Apr/202 ...

6The Sombrero Galaxy (Messier 104) For my own 60th anniversary day. My first shot very famous unique form Galaxy. Distance is 23Million light years. another name is DARK LANE GALAXY Place: Backyard East Pattaya (Bortle Class 6, Moon Phase 63.9%) Date:13th ...

Messier 3 I bought two Astronomic CMOS cameras half yeas ago. One for capturing. Another one for guiding. But only check for working ,not used for capturing n guiding yet. This weekend, At first I checked guiding, It's OK And at least I checked capturing ...

The side face of Bambi(バンビの横顔) Small Sagittarius Star Cloud. A densely populated area of stars on part of Sagittarius near the center of the Milky Way in summer. This is the best area for a zoomed star field photograph. The collection of stars at th ...

Antares@Scopius Narrow Field With M4 and NGC6144 さそり座のAlpha1等星アンタレス付近。 メシエ4、NGC6177と共に。 Scorpio right next to the Milky Way in summer is a glamorous area. On my next chance, I'd like to shoot that colorful glamor on a wider field. ...
