The Bubble Nebula (バブル星雲) NGC 7635) (2000mm) Last year, I shot this long-awaited Target for the first time, and the first result was an Overview.I wanted to see what was inside the bubble, so I applied Point to it and rendered it.I added 200 minutes ...
(2000mm+1340mm) The Bubble Nebula (バブル星雲) NGC 7635)
The Bubble Nebula (バブル星雲) NGC 7635) (2000mm+1340mm) I stacked 2000mm and 1340mm together.Compared to just 2000mm...Obviously the resolution is lower, but the exposure time is longer so the structures are more visible.It depends on the target, but it ...
(2000mm Final) The Cassiopea Ghost Nebula (カシオペアのゴースト星雲) IC 63
The Cassiopea Ghost Nebula Final (カシオペアのゴースト星雲) IC 63Wanting to see a close-up of IC63, I first collected all the filter Signals other than Oiii that were set on the 7-element EFW. When I checked Oiii, only the stars were visible, so I can ...
(2000mm Ver 1) The Cassiopea Ghost Nebula (カシオペアのゴースト星雲) IC 63
The Cassiopea Ghost Nebula Ver 1 (カシオペアのゴースト星雲) IC 63I wanted to see a close-up of IC63, so I gathered up all the Signal filters other than Oiii that were set on the 7-series EFW. When I checked, Oiii only captured stars, so I canceled it.I ...
(2000mm) The Trible Nebula (トリブル星雲)NGC 1624,SH2-212
The Trible Nebula (トリブル星雲)NGC 1624,SH2-212Similar to Sh2-170 Little Rosette Nebula, but a different Object.NGC 1624 refers to both the Hii nebula and the star cluster within it.I looked up the meaning of Tribble and apparently it's the name of a mys ...
(2000mm) The Helix Nebula (らせん星雲) NGC7293
The Helix Nebula (らせん星雲) NGC7293 I can't get the Helix Nebula taken by Chandra X-ray, Hubble, Spitzer, and Galaxy Evolution Explorer out of my head for a long time.I had given up because I can't take X-ray or full IR with my own equipment, but I di ...
(2000mm) 3 Salt And Pepper Clusters (三つの塩胡椒星団) M52,37,11
3 Salt And Pepper Clusters (三つの塩胡椒星団) M52,37,11Cassiopeia-カシオペア座 (October) Salt and Pepper Cluster-Messier 52Auriga-ぎょしゃ座 (January) Salt and Pepper Cluster-Messier 37Scutum-わし座 (July,Wild Duck) Salt and Pepper Cluster-Messier 11 Whil ...
(2000mm) The Silver Sliver Galaxy (シルバー・シルバー銀河) NGC891
The Silver Sliver Galaxy (シルバー・シルバー銀河) NGC891This is my second favorite galaxy after the Sombrero Galaxy among the Edge On galaxies. I wasn't able to photograph it last year, so I tried my homework from the year before last.(1) Blue on the peri ...
(2000mm) The Fishhead Nebula (フィッシュ・ヘッド星雲) IC1795,NGC896
The Fishhead Nebula (フィッシュ・ヘッド星雲) IC1795 ,NGC896 For some reason I can't stand the Heart Nebula and the Soul Nebula, so this nebula was my first target for photography.I like the composition where I cut off the part below the pectoral fin and ...
(24mm) The Constellation Orion (オリオン座)
The Constellation Orion (オリオン座)I went out onto a back road late at night to look at the sky, and saw the stars shining brightly for the first time in a while.There were clouds moving by, but I took a picture of Orion with my camera for the first time ...